New research reveals education’s potential in reducing violence and advancing peace

WASHINGTON D.C./LONDON, JANUARY 24, 2024: The Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), have released new research providing compelling evidence of the strong relationship between education and peace. Released on the International Day of Education, the analysis demonstrates how improvements in education levels are closely linked to more peaceful societies
The past decade has been marked by lethal conflicts, crises and wars. Across the globe, wars keep taking countless lives, displacing civilians from their homes and leaving many more in a dire need of life-saving assistance. There is an urgent need to rebuild the foundations that can underpin lasting peace, and yet too often one of the most crucial of these, education, is often relegated to a development afterthought.
The past decade has been marked by lethal conflicts, crises and wars. Across the globe, wars keep taking countless lives, displacing civilians from their homes and leaving many more in a dire need of life-saving assistance. There is an urgent need to rebuild the foundations that can underpin lasting peace, and yet too often one of the most crucial of these, education, is often relegated to a development afterthought.